Plant Protection & Biosecurity

We explore effective pest management strategies, integrated pest management (IPM) approaches, and stringent biosecurity protocols to mitigate risks and protect plants.

Integrated Pest Management

We focus on identifying, studying, and implementing strategies to control and manage insect pests that pose a threat to plants and crops. This section encompasses the use of various techniques such as biological control, cultural practices, and targeted pesticide application.

Dr. Cloyd
Dr. Kim
Dr. Spiesman
Dr. Michaud
Dr. Olds
Dr. Phillips
Dr. Whitworth

Surveillance and Monitoring

We focus on the systematic collection of data on insect populations, their distribution, and behavior. This information is crucial for early detection of potential pest outbreaks, assessing population dynamics, and developing effective management strategies.


Dr. Kim
Dr. McCornack
Dr. Phillips
Dr. Spiesman

Insect Biosecurity

We focus on preventing the introduction and spread of invasive insect species that can cause significant damage to plant ecosystems. This includes quarantine protocols, risk assessments, and public awareness campaigns to mitigate the risks.

Dr. Kim
Dr. Olds
Dr. Park
Dr. Silver
Dr. Spiesman
Dr. Zhu